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 Prestige Building Secret

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PostSubject: Prestige Building Secret   Prestige Building Secret Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 2:28 am

Prestige Building Secret

Why am I not getting as much prestige now? Why is my prestige rising slower than it did when I first started?

Many players often wonder what they did wrong. “When I first started, I got 11 prestige just for upgrading a farm to level 4! Now I get 3!”

So what is the secret? What’s the trick? Is Evony scamming us?

The answer to these prestige building questions have not been answered anywhere yet. Are you ready? Read on.

The prestige you gain from constructing buildings, researching technology, and training troops comes from three things. Your Rank, Title, and Town Hall level affects how much prestige you get upon completing a building, research, or troop.

The lower you Rank is, the more prestige you will gain for each completion.

The lower your Title is, the more prestige you will gain for each completion.

The lower your Town Hall level is, the more prestige you will gain for each completion.

Why is this so? Where is your proof?

This is an example of logic and history. In the dark ages and olden times, if a King were to build a few factories, nobody would think he was a “better” (more prestigious) lord. Kings would only become famous if they built a huge castle or defeated a powerful nation in war.

This directly relates to the Rank, Title, and Town Hall level in Evony. To relate Evony to the example above, a King would be a Duke or Prinzessin. People who are have the rank of Prinzessin or Duke should not get prestige for upgrading a barracks to level 5 because they have already established themselves as a powerful person. They should only get prestige for winning a war, or finishing their research of Compass level 10. Now, a player with a rank of Knight will get an unearthly amount of prestige for researching Compass level 10, because that would be an amazing feat for somebody who has established themselves as a “less powerful person”.

How exactly does the Town Hall have anything to do with it?

The Town Hall is a representation of wealth, prosperity, and power. The higher a person’s Town Hall is, the larger his/her castle looks on the Map, and the more economic opportunities arise (resource fields). Don’t forget, you need a certain Town Hall level before you can advance in your Rank and Title. For anyone who had doubts that Town Hall is related to the Title and Rank, your doubts are now put aside.

Here’s a short summary and breakdown of what I have just said.

- The lower your Rank, Title, and Town Hall level is, the more prestige you will gain from completing a building, research, or troop.

- The explanation for this is that people who have higher Ranks, Titles, and Town Halls have given a message to the world that they are already a powerful person. They do not deserve to get as much prestige for the little things they do.
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