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 Scouting Basics

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Posts : 41
Join date : 2009-05-25
Age : 44

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PostSubject: Scouting Basics   Scouting Basics Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 2:43 am

Scouting success and the detail of information you get from scouting missions may vary on many factors

* Your Informatics level (Researched in the Academy)
* The amount of Scouts you send
* If you include a Hero in your mission, his Intelligence will count
* If you are spying against a Valley, its level.

The most important factor is researching Informatics. Every level of Informatics increases the chance of success and the level of detail that will be provided on a successful scouting attempt. To successfully Scout an area or a city your Informatics level must be equal to or higher than the area being scouted.

Example: To successfully scout a level 3 Grassland you will require a level 3 Informatics or higher.

The number of scouts sent on a scouting expedition also contributes to the success of the mission. For every level of the area being scouted a minimum of 10 scouts should be sent.

Example: For a level 3 Grassland 30 Scouts will provide the most details.
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