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 Best Defense

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Posts : 41
Join date : 2009-05-25
Age : 44

Best Defense Empty
PostSubject: Best Defense   Best Defense Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 2:50 am

We all hate it when we are raided and our supplies get taken. What's a good way to avoid this? A solid defense. I'm not just talking about 500 traps or so. IF you want people to fear your city i suggest you build a ton of archer towers.. Unlike rolling logs, abatis, and traps, archer towers have a life amount. So they aren't just a one hit thing. Along with a high research level of archery you can wipe an army out before they even reach you. Even though traps are a one hit unit, they are good for thinning the enemies numbers. About 2k of traps will make an enemy regret attacking you. It will also ramp your honor up. To make all this you will have to have a lot of resources. This is what i suggest
~lumber production is double stone production
~iron production is 10% higher then stone production
~food production is highest and allows you to add a large quantity of more troops

TO make your defenses even more efficient it is essential that you research Archery, Engineering, and Machinery. A 2nd or 3rd city would help you raise all of these up at an increased rate. The best defense is one that doesn't have to be used. If your city is intimidating, you are better off. Remember add little by little, and over time you will be unbreakable.
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