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 2nd city as Lumber Producing City

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Posts : 41
Join date : 2009-05-25
Age : 44

2nd city as Lumber Producing City Empty
PostSubject: 2nd city as Lumber Producing City   2nd city as Lumber Producing City Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2009 10:06 pm

I make my 2nd city a Lumber City.

Make it as close as possible to your main city.

I put ONE tile for farm, ONE tile for quarry and ONE tile for iron mine...ALL the rest go to Sawmills. Lumber sells for the most in the market and you will use a lot of it as well. If you need stone, food or iron in any city, sell the extra lumber in this one and buy it.

You want the one farm tile for the per hour food to feed the workers and transports you use to send out the extra wood and gold to other cities. You could also probably skip the mine and quarry and just go with 2 or 3 farm tiles instead, or just lumber. But you really need at least one farm tile, or it gets annoying with the food.

Set taxes to just high enough so that your net is not negative. You want max pop to work the sawmills. When your pop gets too low for the saw mills, build cottages until you have workers again. then switch back to making and upgrading sawmills.
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