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Join date : 2009-05-25
Age : 44

Castellan/Mayor Empty
PostSubject: Castellan/Mayor   Castellan/Mayor Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2009 10:09 pm

When you first begin playing Evony, it is important to get a Castellan, or more recently known as Mayor, with a high politics rating as soon as possible. The Castellan/Mayor affects both resource production and construction time.

The Routine Quest already has a guide to appointing a Castellan. Be sure to follow that guide (Hero Recruitment) and don’t forget to collect your reward.

For those who are still confused with the steps the Routine Quest has in line for you:

1 - Build an Inn.
2 - Build a Feasting Hall.
3 - Upgrade the Inn to at least level 2.
4 - Upgrade the Feasting Hall to at least level 2.
5 - If you have the item “Leather Robin hood”, use it. It offers a level 10-15 hero which increases your chances of obtaining a high Politics hero.

6 - Recruit the hero with the highest Politics rating. Anything with 50+ Politics will suffice.

7 - Go to the Feasting Hall and make the hero with the highest Politics rating the Castellan/Mayor by clicking “Appoint Castellan” or “Appoint Mayor”.

So…why should I choose a Castellan/Mayor with high Politics? Politics is one of the 3 aspects of a Hero. A Castellan/Mayor’s Politics affects how fast you get resources, and how fast you construct buildings. This is very self-explanatory, as this is a guide to maximizing your resource productivity.
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