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 Resource Research Technology

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Join date : 2009-05-25
Age : 44

Resource Research Technology Empty
PostSubject: Resource Research Technology   Resource Research Technology Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2009 10:15 pm


To begin with your resources technology researching, you need an academy. The Routine Quest gives a reward for building and upgrading the Academy, so be sure to collect that. Once the academy is built, research Agriculture, Lumbering, Masonry, and Mining. This will cost gold. You will get some gold from the Routine Quest, for completing the first level of each of these. After that, it will slowly but steadily drain a large amount of your gold.

As each upgrade for Agriculture, Lumbering, Masonry, and Mining describes, you need to have the level resource building in order to research that level resource.

For example: In order to research level 6 Lumbering, I would need to have at least a level 6 sawmill.

The Construction technology is very important as the levels of your buildings increase. You need to research this technology as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the requirements to research this technology are:

Level 2 Forge
Level 2 Workshop
Level 5 Lumbering
Level 2 Metal Casting
Level 5 Academy

The more cities you have, the faster Academy research will occur. This is because the research carries over for to new cities, so you can be researching more than 1 thing in the academy at a time.
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